Is Your "Woke Bae" Really Woke? 15 Signs He Might Not Be

So, you've finally found someone who seems to be on the same page as you politically and socially. But before you get too excited, make sure to keep an eye out for any red flags that might indicate they're not as "woke" as they claim to be. It's important to pay attention to their actions and words, especially when it comes to issues of social justice and equality. And if you need a little distraction from these heavy topics, don't forget to check out some PayPal cam sites for some adult fun.

In the age of social justice movements and increased awareness of systemic issues, many people are looking for a partner who is socially aware and conscious of the world around them. This has led to the rise of the "woke bae" - a term used to describe a partner who is not only attractive and charming, but also socially aware and active in fighting for equality and justice. However, not everyone who claims to be woke actually lives up to the title. Here are 15 signs the guy you're dating might not be the woke bae he thinks he is.

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He Only Talks the Talk

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One of the first signs that your partner might not be as woke as he claims is if he only talks the talk. While he might have all the right buzzwords and phrases down, his actions might not match up with his words. Look for genuine action and commitment to social justice causes, rather than just lip service.

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He's Unwilling to Educate Himself

Being woke means being open to learning and growing. If your partner is unwilling to educate himself on important social issues, or gets defensive when you try to have a conversation about them, it might be a red flag that he's not as woke as he claims to be.

He Doesn't Listen to Other Perspectives

True wokeness involves being open to hearing and understanding other perspectives, especially those of marginalized groups. If your partner dismisses or invalidates the experiences of others, he might not be as woke as he thinks.

He's Quick to Mansplain

Mansplaining is a term used to describe when a man explains something to a woman in a condescending or patronizing way. If your partner is quick to mansplain social justice issues to you or others, it could be a sign that he's not as aware of his privilege as he claims to be.

He Doesn't Support Your Activism

If your partner doesn't support your own activism or involvement in social justice causes, it could be a sign that he's not as woke as he claims. A true woke bae would be supportive of your efforts to make the world a better place.

He's Only Interested in Performative Activism

Performative activism is when someone engages in activism for the sole purpose of appearing woke or gaining social capital. If your partner's activism seems more about appearances than genuine change, it might be a sign that he's not as woke as he claims.

He Doesn't Challenge His Friends

A truly woke bae would not only challenge himself, but also his friends and peers when they engage in problematic behavior or language. If your partner is unwilling to hold his friends accountable, it could be a sign that he's not as socially conscious as he claims.

He's Unwilling to Acknowledge His Privilege

Being woke involves acknowledging and understanding one's privilege, and using it to uplift and support marginalized communities. If your partner is unwilling to acknowledge his privilege or gets defensive when it's brought up, it could be a sign that he's not as woke as he claims.

He Doesn't Make Space for Others

A woke bae would actively work to make space for others, especially those who are marginalized. If your partner constantly takes up space in conversations or situations, it could be a sign that he's not as aware of his impact on others as he claims.

He Doesn't Take Action

Talking about social justice issues is important, but true wokeness involves taking action to create change. If your partner is all talk and no action, it might be a sign that he's not as committed to social justice as he claims.

He's Unwilling to Address His Own Biases

We all have biases, but a truly woke bae would be willing to address and work on their own biases. If your partner is unwilling to acknowledge or address his own biases, it could be a sign that he's not as woke as he claims.

He's Inconsistent in His Values

A woke bae would be consistent in his values and actions, especially when it comes to social justice issues. If your partner's actions and values seem to shift depending on the situation, it could be a sign that he's not as committed to social justice as he claims.

He Doesn't Center Marginalized Voices

True wokeness involves centering and uplifting marginalized voices. If your partner constantly centers his own experiences and perspectives, it could be a sign that he's not as aware of the importance of marginalized voices as he claims.

He's Defensive When Called Out

Being called out for problematic behavior is never easy, but a truly woke bae would be open to feedback and willing to learn from it. If your partner gets defensive when called out, it could be a sign that he's not as open to growth and learning as he claims.

He Doesn't Prioritize Consent and Respect

Wokeness extends beyond social justice issues and also includes how we treat others in our personal relationships. If your partner doesn't prioritize consent, respect, and healthy communication in your relationship, it could be a sign that he's not as woke as he claims.

In conclusion, while the term "woke bae" has become popular in recent years, not everyone who claims to be woke actually lives up to the title. Keep an eye out for these 15 signs that your partner might not be as socially conscious as he claims, and remember that true wokeness involves not just words, but actions and commitment to creating positive change in the world.